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Frequently Asked Questions

Disclaimer: Talk to your doctor about Renadyl and whether it is recommended given your health, situation, and/or experience. We are happy to provide general information about frequently asked questions, but it’s important to note that everyone is different, and benefits or results will likely vary from one individual to the next. We always recommend reaching out to a healthcare provider for further guidance and to assess statements and questions related to your condition.


The only side effects experienced by patients in safety trials was minor bloating that disappeared in about a week while they continued taking the supplement. Generally, side effects of probiotics are mild, and may include symptoms such as gas and bloating. Side effects of prebiotics are slightly more common, so check with a medical professional if you notice an unfamiliar prebiotic ingredient.

No, Renadyl™ uses naturally occurring, specially selected probiotics that have a high affinity for the toxins that build up in the blood due to impaired or damaged kidneys. Renadyl™ is non-GMO

You can take probiotics during treatment with antibiotics. Probiotic supplements should be taken 4 hours after the antibiotics. Probiotic use should not interfere with the efficacy of antibiotics.

Renadyl™ is not meant to replace dialysis or any other medications prescribed by a physician. Renadyl™ is not a drug, medicine, or device. It works in conjunction with other treatments to maintain healthy kidney function.

Renadyl is manufactured adhering to Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs). cGMP regulations are enforced by the FDA. cGMPs provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes and facilities. Adherence to the cGMP regulations assures the identity, strength, quality, and purity of products by requiring that manufacturers adequately control manufacturing operations. Please consult your doctor/healthcare professional prior to taking this product or any other dietary supplement product on the market.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates dietary supplements under a different set of regulations than those covering “conventional” foods and drug products (prescription and over-the-counter). Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the dietary supplement manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe before it is marketed. The FDA is responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement product after it reaches the market. Generally, manufacturers do not need to register their products with the FDA or get FDA approved before producing or selling dietary supplements. The probiotic strains used in our proprietary, patented formulation are considered to be safe under the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) classification by the FDA. *Manufacturers must ensure that the product label information is truthful and not misleading.

Recently completed results from human clinical trials have reaffirmed the safety of Renadyl™.10 Additionally, an animal formulation has been on the market for cats and dogs living with compromised kidneys since 2006. No adverse effects in these animals have been observed.

The probiotics found in Renadyl™ demonstrate a strong affinity for many of the nitrogenous wastes and toxic metabolites that accumulate in the blood in the event of kidney failure. These toxins include urea, uric acid, creatinine, indoles and phenols, and nitrosamines and their precursors.

Clinical studies have shown that the 3 strains of probiotics in Renadyl™ have a high affinity for urea and uremic acids. These 3 strains are specially selected and will metabolize the nitrogenous waste and uremic toxins in the body. They are also gastric acid resistant capsule, which means that they are unaffected by stomach acids that can kill probiotics on their way through the gastrointestinal tract, thus improving efficiency.

Renadyl™ is a natural kidney health supplement formulated to maintain healthy kidney function. It is comprised of three proprietary strains of probiotic bacteria, which utilize nitrogenous waste as food. Nitrogenous waste diffuses from the bloodstream into the colon by a naturally occurring process known as osmosis. In people with impaired renal function, more toxins diffuse into the large intestine (colon). Once the toxins accumulate in high concentrations within the colon, Renadyl™ is able to metabolize them and lower the concentration of toxins in the body. Because Renadyl™ is able to metabolize nitrogenous waste products in the gut, we know it maintains healthy kidney function and reduces the burden placed on the kidneys. We know this because we’ve conducted 3 clinical trials with Renadyl™ in leading Universities around the world. For more information about clinical trials and studies conducted with Renadyl™ check out

Renadyl is made in the U.S.A. Some ingredients do originate overseas, and we have strict quality controls. And, speaking of strict…we also maintain strict adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the production of each capsule.

Renadyl is available without a prescription and is readily available online at, on Amazon, or over the phone through Kibow Biotech’s toll free number (1) 888-271-2560. Renadyl is not available over-the-counter (OTC) in stores.

Renadyl is an elite formulation of proprietary strains of probiotic microorganisms.  These beneficial microbes (probiotics) target and metabolize uremic nitrogenous waste in the large intestine as nutrients for growth, and in doing so, indirectly remove toxic wastes from the blood to be eliminated from the body as fecal matter.  As these probiotics metabolize nitrogenous waste, they begin to multiply and increase in concentration, allowing for even greater diffusion of toxins into the bowel.  This can help to maintain healthy kidney function by reducing the amount of toxins that enter the kidneys.

This process relies heavily on the survivability of the beneficial microbes in Renadyl.  Probiotics need functional PREbiotic fibers to stay alive and thrive.  When probiotics are paired together with prebiotics, their relationship is synergistic, and the combination is known as a synbiotic.  Synbiotic formulas maximize the efficiency of beneficial microbes as they promote the growth of probiotics.

The pairing of Renadyl and Fortis is a particularly advantageous synbiotic formula.  The reason for this is that Fortis (a multifiber prebiotic dietary supplement) contains two fibers (xylooligosaccharide and arabinogalactan) which have been scientifically proven to promote the growth of lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium.  This is significant for Renadyl users because Renadyl contains probiotic ingredients from each order: Lactobacillus acidophilis, and Bifidobacterium longum.

The secret to these two ingredients prebiotic abilities is in the Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA) that they are fermented into.  Probiotic bacteria in the colon are able to utilize these fiber products and metabolize them, and the byproduct of this metabolization are SCFAs.  These SCFAs are then utilized by the body to enhance blood flow, lower colonic pH, provide energy for colonocytes (colonic membrane cells), inhibit cholesterol synthesis, and regulate the immune system.

The lactogenic (ability to promote the growth of lactobacilli) and bifidogenic (ability to promote the growth of bifidobacterium) properties of Kibow Fortis are only a part of what make the product so great, but it is especially advantageous for Renadyl users for this synergistic potential.  Kibow Fortis essentially maximizes the efficiency of Renadyl.

Probiotics *

There is an amazing amount of bacterial cells associated with the human body. Most are not harmful, and many contribute to normal human growth and development. It is believed that good gut bacteria make up about 70% to 80% of the body’s total immune system. However, some bad bacteria in gut can have a negative influence and cause various bacterial diseases. That is why it’s important that the balance of microbes be maintained to favor the beneficial bacteria over the potentially harmful ones. The ratio of beneficial to potentially harmful bacteria in the gut should be 80/20. Probiotics help maintain a proper balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria in the body.

Many strains are found in probiotics yogurt. However, the pasteurization process involved in making yogurt kills all natural organisms, making the presence of probiotics unpredictable. Most manufacturers add the good bacteria back into their products after pasteurization, with varying effectiveness. Many yogurts only contain about 10 billion colony-forming units (CFU) of good bacteria. Probiotic supplements are standardized. Renadyl™ is guaranteed to contain a very high level (45 billion CFU) of the 3 bacteria that promote kidney health in each serving up until the expiration date.

Probiotics take on some of the blood-cleansing functions that impaired or damaged kidneys are unable to perform. These probiotic organisms ease the burden on ailing kidneys and help reduce some of the serious side effects of toxic waste buildup in the bloodstream.

Probiotics are living microorganisms that have beneficial effects on the human body. Certain probiotics have shown to have an impact on maintaining kidney function in people with impaired or damaged kidneys. The 3 types of bacteria have been specially selected for use in Renadyl™:Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Bifidobacterium longum.

Prebiotics are naturally occurring fiber materials which may be digested by probiotics to help them grow. Renadyl™ contains prebiotics, which is a Psyllium Husk (naturally occurring plant material).

Synbiotics are supplements that contain both prebiotics and probiotics. The majority of probiotics on the market today, including Renadyl™, are considered “synbiotic.” The main reason for using a synbiotic is that a true probiotic, without its prebiotic food, does not survive well in the digestive system.

Thanks for asking! We’re very proud of our probiotic strains: Streptococcus thermophilis (KB19), Lactobacillus acidophilus (KB27), Bifidobacterium longum (KB31)

Acid-resistant capsules protect microbes from digestive acids in the stomach. The acid resistance of Renadyl™ capsules allows “good” bacteria (probiotics) to reach the intestines where they can flourish and provide their benefits

Kidney Disease*

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise, being diligent with treatment, and taking a probiotic like Renadyl™ can help support proper kidney function. If necessary, a transplant may be a viable option before beginning dialysis. Speak with your physician to find out what the right plan of action is for you.

In the early stages of CKD, the symptoms may be subtle and difficult to identify. However, later CKD stages can cause fatigue, itching, loss of appetite, and other symptoms that can reduce your quality of life—if you take no action. Learn what to watch for and keep your doctor informed so that you can get the help you need to relieve CKD symptoms. It is also important to follow your treatment plan. For example, taking the right doses of your medications at the right times may help slow the progression of CKD. Your quality of life with CKD depends on your attitude and whether you are able to adapt to and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Remember, CKD treatment is possible.

Many people think that if their kidneys fail, they will die immediately. This may have been true 40 years ago when dialysis machines were extremely rare and expensive and medical knowledge about kidney disease was limited. However, today’s access to dialysis is much easier and the knowledge surrounding CKD has increased substantially. A patient’s life expectancy depends on age, other health issues, and how dedicated he/she is with his/her care. Some people with early CKD do not progress to kidney failure. Others reach kidney failure and still live for decades with dialysis or kidney transplantation. Recent advancements in kidney care have allowed for better treatments, more knowledge about how to slow kidney failure, and the development of technically advanced dialysis machines. Even with these advancements, the most important factor is still the individual who has the disease. So, ask questions, and explore with your doctor and care team the best way for you to help manage your disease and increase life expectancy.

CKD is permanent kidney damage due to injury or disease. CKD ranges from mild to severe, and severity is classified as stages 1–5 depending on loss of kidney function. If CKD reaches the point of kidney failure, dialysis or a kidney transplant is needed to support life. Since CKD may worsen over time, early diagnosis and treatment can help slow down disease progression, depending on the cause of the damage.


Kibow Biotech produces a probiotic supplement, Azodyl, specifically for supporting renal function in cats and dogs.

Instructions For Use

Renadyl is now fully stable without refrigeration for at least 2 weeks and maintains effectiveness without the need for cold shipping. Upon receiving, please store Renadyl in your refrigerator between 39-45 degrees Fahrenheit (4-8 degrees Celsius) to maintain maximum effectiveness. Do not freeze.


Yes, we can (and do) ship overseas. Since there are different regulations and customs and duties, we need to handle this on a country-specific basis. Please place your order online and, if we know of any additional charges that will be required, we will advise you by email.

Renadyl is available without a prescription and is readily available online at, on Amazon, or over the phone through Kibow Biotech’s toll free number 1.888.271.2560

Renadyl is available without a prescription and is readily available online at, on Amazon, or over the phone through Kibow Biotech’s toll free number 1.888.271.2560